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"I experience a knowing beneath the not knowing, beneath the dying of my old form, that I am a participant in transition from one world to another, embodying a new passageway towards new life."


Janet Adler


We carry out research and experimentation projects and activities about presence and body awareness. With these activities we also seek to expand our vision of the possible forms and processes of generating knowledge, integrating the body, subjectivity and our sensitive nature as basic tools in the construction of realities. 



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Presence and the landscapes of experience

This workshop seeks to explore an action research procedure that places the state of presence as a central element for the study of experience from an enactive/embodied perspective. The work is organized in three stages: in the first stage, it is proposed to generate a shared experience using the somatic Matching technique as described by Elizabeth Behnke (Behnke 1995); In the second stage, it is proposed to work, in groups of three, on the description of the experience using the micro-phenomenological interview and body mapping. Here, one of the group participants will have the role of “observer” paying attention to the gestures made by the interviewee when describing their experience. In the third stage, a collective composition will be made from the verbal, gestural and pictorial descriptions, combining the identification of invariants of the micro-phenomenological analysis and the work of “witness” as described by Janet Adler (1999). 



Micro phenomenology lab, France


Body phenomenology laboratory, Chile


Health Research Center and Substance Use Center, UNIFESP, Brazil

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