Yoga classes are based on the ashtanga vinyasa yoga system in the tradition of Sri Krishnamacharya and Sri Pattabhi Jois.
Ashtanga yoga is an ancient system of investigation and self-knowledge. It was systematized by the sage Patanjali and structured into eight aspects: Yama (ethical foundations), Niyama (attention to life habits), Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breathing), Pratyahara (abstraction of the mind), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (union).
Vinyasa means coordination of movement and breathing. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a type of practice that coordinates movement and breathing in a dynamic sequence of postures.
The practice will follow the "Mysore" style, that is, a practice in which each student follows their own pace while the teacher gives instructions and makes adjustments individually. This teaching method has the virtue of allowing the student to benefit from the energy of the group to advance in their practice while being accompanied by the teacher in a personalized way.
It is not necessary to have previous knowledge or a specific physical condition to practice yoga. In your first class, the teacher will gradually introduce you to the practice. When you get to the room, find a place for your mat and wait for the teacher's instructions.
Bring your own mat.
Bring comfortable clothes.
Bring a hand towel to dry your sweat.
Try not to eat before training
Be punctual to optimize practice time
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 08:00 to 09:30
- Regular Classes
Monthly fee for 1 class per week: R$ 150
Monthly fee for 2 classes per week: R$ 180
Monthly fee for 3 classes per week: R$ 200
Single class: R$ 50
5 classes: R$ 225
10 classes: R$ 400
Camila Valenzuela began her yoga practice in the year 2000 in England, which she continued on her return to Chile at the Ashtanga Yoga Chile school with Loreto Cortéz and during her stay in France with different teachers, including Charley Bensusen, Kia Naddermier and Stéphane Collet. She also participated in workshops with Mark and Joanne Darby, Kino McGregor, Petri Räisänen and Dena Kingsberg. In Mysore, India, she began the practice of pranayama with B.N.S Iyengar and the study of yoga sutras with Dr. Jayashree and Sri Narashimhan. She currently follows the teachings of A.G Mohan, a direct disciple of Sri.Krishnamacharya. She has taught yoga in different schools since 2007: in the Shantosha and Yoga Mukti schools in Santiago de Chile; at the Théâtre de Verre cultural center in Paris; at the Théâtre du Petit Matin and at the YAMA school in Marseille; at the Yoga Sadhana school in Valparaíso; at the Ashtanga Yoga school in Rio de Janeiro and at the Arraial d'Ajuda charity association (ABAA) in Brazil.
In the Ashtanga yoga tradition, there is no practice on new and full moon days. This is because it is recognized that, just as the moon influences the tides by exacerbating or calming their flow, it also influences our body. Therefore, these days of energetic extremes are considered days of rest.
In our school, we take advantage of these days to make a special practice on breathing techniques called pranayama.
Below you will find the 2024 calendar of pranayama sessions.
MARCH Sunday 10, Monday 25
APRIL Monday 8, Wednesday 24
MAY Wednesday 8, Thursday 30
JUNE Thursday 6, Saturday 20
JULY Saturday 6, Sunday 21
AUGUST Sunday 4, Monday 19
SEPTEMBER Monday 2, Tuesday 17
OCTOBER Wednesday 2, Thursday 17
NOVEMBER Friday 1, Friday 15
DECEMBER Sunday 1st, Sunday 15th, Monday 30th.