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Vibration is the basic phenomenon of being that underlies all the patterns [of movement]. It is movement that condenses and expands rhythmically at the most basic level. It precedes life and sup- ports all life forms. It is the substance of space.

Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen



Mila Mogui

Martes de 09:30 a 11:00

This training proposes a psychophysical approach where the body practice is intertwined and feeds back with attentional practice, promoting a state of openness and presence.

Through tools from various disciplines and body techniques such as dance, Butoh, Yoga, somatic practices, Dramatic Body Mime, and pranayama, among others, exercises will be proposed to enhance our body’s sensory, motor, and expressive capacity.

The sessions will be structured in three stages:

  • Preparation: A body warm-up will be done with the goal of activating, strengthening, and awakening the body.

  • Exploration: This is the central part of each session, where sensorimotor exploration will be worked on to expand the body’s sensitivity and response range, inviting participants to play with their energetic and creative potential.

  • Exchange: At the end of the session, the main observations and insights generated during the practice will be shared.

Danza criança



Mila Mogui

Lunes, miércoles

y viernes

de 10:00 a 11:00

This training proposes a psychophysical approach where the body practice is intertwined and feeds back with attentional practice, promoting a state of openness and presence.

Through tools from various disciplines and body techniques such as dance, Butoh, Yoga, somatic practices, Dramatic Body Mime, and pranayama, among others, exercises will be proposed to enhance our body’s sensory, motor, and expressive capacity.

The sessions will be structured in three stages:

  • Preparation: A body warm-up will be done with the goal of activating, strengthening, and awakening the body.

  • Exploration: This is the central part of each session, where sensorimotor exploration will be worked on to expand the body’s sensitivity and response range, inviting participants to play with their energetic and creative potential.

  • Exchange: At the end of the session, the main observations and insights generated during the practice will be shared.

Danza moderna



Mila Mogui

Lunes y miércoles

de 15:00 a 16:00

This training proposes a psychophysical approach where the body practice is intertwined and feeds back with attentional practice, promoting a state of openness and presence.

Through tools from various disciplines and body techniques such as dance, Butoh, Yoga, somatic practices, Dramatic Body Mime, and pranayama, among others, exercises will be proposed to enhance our body’s sensory, motor, and expressive capacity.

The sessions will be structured in three stages:

  • Preparation: A body warm-up will be done with the goal of activating, strengthening, and awakening the body.

  • Exploration: This is the central part of each session, where sensorimotor exploration will be worked on to expand the body’s sensitivity and response range, inviting participants to play with their energetic and creative potential.

  • Exchange: At the end of the session, the main observations and insights generated during the practice will be shared.

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